New York City as seen by a russian cosmonaut

A Russian cosmonaut took an impressive photo of New York from the International Space Station. A new way so see the Big Apple!

This is a photo of New York that is not so easy to take… Russian cosmonaut Oleg Kononenko took advantage of the passage of the International Space Station over New York to take a souvenir. The photo was released on Twitter by his friend, US astronaut Scott Kelly. The Cold War is over in space!
This night shot details the outlines of Manhattan and Midtown. Moreover, you can clearly see the bright lights of Times Square!

Game at Citi Field

Another point that stands out: Citi Field in Queens. Cosmonauts passed over New York while the New York Mets baseball team faced the Chicago Cubs. Seen from space, it was not so easy to watch the game and see the ball! In New Jersey, you can also clearly see the Metllife Stadium and Meadowlands equestrian center.
Click here to view the photo in full size.
To help you find your way , I put the picture in the North-South direction and I added some annotations :

New York as seen from space.
New York as seen from space.
Didier Forray
Hello I'm Didier and I'm the founder of ©New York, the perfect place to learn more about New York since 1999. You can contact me at

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