Metropolitan Museum of Art Scavenger Hunt

A new excursion turns the Metropolitan Museum of Art into a playground. A unique experience!

Is the Metropolitan Museum of Art the biggest playground in New York City? “The Game at the Metropolitan Museum of Art” is a new tour that transforms the visit of the most famous New York museum into a scavenger hunt.
Meet your guide at the museum entrance: he will greet you and explain the rules. You will form two teams of two or four people, who will play against each other.

See the main works of art

Autoportrait par Vincent Van Gogh. (Photo MET)
Self-portrait for Vincent Van Gogh. (Photo MET)

After these explanations, let’s go for two hours inside the museum. You will need to identify 16 major works of art, including the Egyptian temples and paintings by Van Gogh and Picasso. A great way to see most of the museum in a playful way.
You can choose your departure times throughout the day. Note also that the game is suitable for all ages. You can book your party in the page dedicated to “The Game at the Metropolitan Museum of Art“.

Didier Forray
Hello I'm Didier and I'm the founder of ©New York, the perfect place to learn more about New York since 1999. You can contact me at

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