The Museum of Modern Art in New York is one of the most famous museums in the world: it brings together a priceless collection of paintings, sculptures and photographs, with big names like Andy Warhol, Monet, Van Gogh…
But the MoMA is not only about works of art! Now the museum offers to attend free online courses, thanks to the magic of the Internet.
Sarah Meister, Curator of MoMA’s Department of Photography, invites you to discover the world of photography through a 6-week session titled “Seeing Through Photographs”.
Photographs from the MoMA’s collection

The MoMA explains : “The course introduces learners to firsthand perspectives and ideas from artists and scholars about what a photograph is and the many ways in which photography has been used throughout history and into the present day: as a means of personal artistic expression; a tool for science and exploration; a method for documenting people, places, and events; a way of telling stories and recording histories; and a mode of communication and critique in our increasingly visual culture”.
If you are a passionate photographer or just curious, do not hesitate to register on Coursera.