WTC Transportation Hub is now open

New York City has a new monument: Oculus, the new World Trade Center Transportation Hub!

A new strange building has opened at the foot of the One World Trade Center tower! This time it’s not a new building but the new PATH station. The previous station had been completely destroyed by the collapse of the World Trade Center during the 9/11 attacks. It took nearly 15 years before a new station was officially inaugurated.
But it was worth the wait! The new building designed by the Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava is spectacular: Oculus is a strange structure inspired by the wings of a bird with a large 365 feet long oval hall. The New York newspapers were quick to mention “the Phoenix rising from the ashes”

$4 billion

Un hall principal baigné de lumière naturelle. (Photo Port Authority)
The main hall. (Photo Port Authority)

WTC Transportation Hub remains very criticized in New York City for its enormous cost: the project launched in 2004 cost nearly $4 billion.
And the station is not fully functional: the Westfield shopping center located in the main hall will not be ready before August and the north-eastern part of the station is still under construction… Once fully completed, the station will connect the PATH trains to 11 N
ew York City subway liness.

Didier Forray
Hello I'm Didier and I'm the founder of ©New York, the perfect place to learn more about New York since 1999. You can contact me at

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